Pox Arcanum

Pox Arcanum has officially formed! 😀

We met in Orgrimmar last night to sign the charter, and after all the group photos were taken, the green team went out to begin their adventures. (Can’t wait to hear how it went! 🙂 ) There was a bit of team shuffling to accomodate some new arrivals, so many who were formerly on the yellow team have now switched to the new black team. The yellow team is still looking for a few good bloggers/players, so if you think you might be interested in joining us, drop a note over at our new collaborative blog: Pox Arcanum. You can see the makeup of the current teams (along with people’s schedules and so forth) on our spreadsheet.

Even though we haven’t spent much time together in-game yet, this group seems to have a natural camaraderie and I love how folks are already embracing the cooperative spirit of the project, from people sending each other mats for their professions to Daxe outfitting all the clothies with new designer robes (Daxe Fifth Avenue… hee hee!).

Another thing that impressed me is how much money folks have managed to make. Lots of this is from fishing, but people have also been very successfully playing the auction house. When we met last night, there was more than enough money floating around to get a tabard design right away and outfit everyone with tabards. Looks like we’ll have no trouble being self-sufficient after all. This also makes me feel a little less panicky about potentially starting a new family of alts on another server, too, should I ever decide to play alliance. My main server for horde-y stuff currently has all ten slots taken (though two of the characters could easily be deleted, as I don’t actually play/use them any more).

(MMm…. alts.)

(Daydream alt of the day: Orc rogue.)

15 responses

  1. Yaaaaaaaaaay!!! /cheer TJ

    I added you to the yellow team on the spreadsheet. Check it out and let me know if you have prefs about what role you’d like to play. 🙂

  2. Hmmmmmm, I wonder what TJ will roll for a ‘toon.

    “not a lock, not a lock, not as good as a lock, a lock, not a lock, not a lock.” {——-Direct quote from my memory of something or other on TJ’s site, all rights reserved.

    hahahahahahahahahaha……ah ha ha ha…..ahhhhhhhhh


  3. TJ the Tank? Tankin’ TJ? Prot Pally TJ? Feral TJ? hmmm

    Let’s try again….

    TJ the healer? Holy TJ! TJ on Resto! If a TJ healed in the forest….

    well…(scratches head)

    Ok, one more try…..


    Ohhhhh, there it is! hahahahahahahahahahaha……ah ha ha ha…….ahhhhhhhh.


  4. I think Game Dame is the spreadsheet goddess, so you could e-mail her and ask for access to modify it. (I don’t know how to change folks’ permissions.) Then she can set you up with the access for the shared blog, too! 🙂

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